Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
If Yes, please describe:
Highest Level of formal Education:
Name of School, Degree and Main Focus:
Work Experience:
List ANY relevant work from at least two previous jobs
you have held and the reasons for leaving:
Textfields will expand accordingly.
Please list ALL your Tracker and COTEF courses, and the years you have taken them:
Please list ALL the Tracker and COTEF courses you have VOLUNTEERED for,
and the years you have taken them:
What did you gain from your volunteering experiences?
Why do you want to be an INSTRUCTOR / INTERN?
Why are you the best choice for the position?
Describe your personal understanding of what the INSTRUCTOR / INTERN Program
really is and what role the caretaker plays:
Describe a situation in which you have been self-motivated:
Describe a situation in which your work ethic was evident:
Describe any teaching experiences you have had and what you learned from them:
What are your personal challenges when working with people:
Describe any leadership roles you have held:
What were your challenges and lessons?
What strengths will you bring to your INSTRUCTOR / INTERN position?
What weaknesses will you bring?
What is your attraction to the COTEF?
Why do you want to be an INSTRUCTOR / INTERN at the COTEF specifically?
Why not go elsewhere?
Describe a community living experience and what you learned from it:
What are your goals and expectations for
yourself during your INSTRUCTOR / INTERN time?
If not a United States citizen or American -
Please give any other important country information necessary to contact you.
If not a US citizen or American, what is your Visa #?
Expiration Date?
Do you have any Children?
If so, how many?
Will you be bringing a vehicle?
Vehicle Make:
Registration Number:
License Plate - State & #:
Driver's License - State & #:
Expire Date:
Please allow 2 weeks to receive confirmation and follow up information.
Click SUBMIT only ONCE please.