Arizona Teen Survival Week
Program Description:
This is an amazing opportunity to live in survival in the beautiful Arizona Mountains. We will have a base camp on the Verde River and be traveling on foot to a remote wilderness camp. The past two trips have been full of adventure, creating shelters to sleep in, making bowls from cotton-wood, eating pencil cholla fruits, tracking mountain lions, making rock tools, and exploring the ancient village sites in the area. The land is actually on Apache ancestral lands. The deep silence and peacefulness of this remote wilderness is a refreshing renewal for all.
Ages and Prerequisites: Teens age 14-17
This program is open to teens, age 14-17, who have taken the week long Teen Experience.
March 16-22, 2008
Sunday 1:00 p.m. to Saturday 12 noon
Location; Pick up at Phoenix Airport, trip
will take place near the Mazaltza Wilderness Area.
$625 per person
Deposit: $150 deposit is due at registration.
Balance: The balance for this program is due: Friday, February 29th
If paying by credit card, you may indicate if you’d like us to
automatically charge the balance at the due date.
* Financial Assistance is available. Click here for our Scholarship Application
Registration Deadline and Procedures
Registration Deadline: *February 20, 2008
*Registrations are taken past the deadline, but if sufficient registration is not received by the deadline, the program will be cancelled. This allows time for our staff as well as participants who are flying to make transportation arrangements without fear of program cancellation. If flying in, please do not book flights until after the deadline.
Registration Procedures:
Print the registration form from the website or contact the office to receive via mail. Please make sure a separate medical information page is completed for each family member who will be attending. Submit completed application with the appropriate deposit. You will receive a confirmation including directions and equipment lists upon receipt.